Ok, I've been awake for over 24 hours now so if you can make any sense out of any of this then you should be an interpreter. Seriously!
For some reason, I decided that I wasn't going to take the bus home from work today and I thought: "It can't be THAT far from Kanata to Bayshore, so I took Carling Avenue all the way down (for 10.5 km) and I was talking to myself all the way home. People were staring, but it kept me focussed. I often talk to myself because I seem to listen!
So on the way home, I was having messed up thoughts (coming from a messed up mind).
I had to take a leak really bad so I thought about leaking on the train tracks, but I didn't. I guess that wouldn't be nice.
I was thinking about what my friend used to tell me: "Tired as hell wrapped in a bag, but still as quick as a whip." To which I replied: "Even whips crack." Sometimes I think I'm going off the deep end. Really going over the edge. If I lost my mind for real, I don't think I'd notice. I think I lost it today on the side of the road. The sun was getting to me and I was sweating silver bullets. So I thought that I should pick some lilacs to rub on my arm pits to cut down on the sweating, but I didn't. I just couldn't stop, or else I wouldn't want to keep going. Once I start something, I want to finish it.
That's why when I think I'm getting somewhere with a guy, I try to keep it going because for some reason when they end it, it doesn't feel like a real ending. It doesn't feel justified. I don't feel justified. I feel sorry for them because they don't realize that it could've been real, it could have been good. At least I think I'm good enough now. Before... I used to think that there was something wrong with me. Well, maybe there is, but it can't be HALF as bad as whatever is wrong with THEM! That's the way I have to think.
And now I have given up on dating. I'll try not to think about it for a year. That is my goal. Take a break for a year and see what I can do with myself. I have a lot of work to do and I don't need any distractions. Besides, with my luck, something bad would happen and I shouldn't put myself through that. There is absolutely no point. Maybe everything I was looking for in a guy was all part of one big fantasy, like I was living with my head in the clouds for the last couple of years. Well maybe I've always had my head in the clouds and my heart on my sleeve. I can't take those chances now. I'm probably not even ready for the man of my dreams to find me.
Why should he find me now? When I look like death warmed over twice. Like a dead wh*re on a tuesday when she died on a friday night. Yes I have such confidence, such a positive outlook... More like sudden sarcasm. Why can't I be sarcastic. Self deppreciating humour. Laugh at me! Everyone else does. Why let it bother me? My hair is short, I look like a dude. I feel like a rat in a garbage can... Life is f*cking beautiful.
Yeah... beautiful... What a stupid word that is! You know what's even more stupid? I let myself believe a guy who told me I was beautiful. I let myself believe it because I am stupid. Seriously. Some line that was... That's why I shaved my head.
He told me I was beautiful. Can you believe he pulled that sh*t? He told me I was a nice girl and all that other junk that was obvoiusly not true because he would have stuck around. He won't call me and yet I still think of him. My best friend told me that the guy doesn't think of me. He probably has a new girl by now. And that goes to demonstrate the rabbit theory: From one hole to another. Just like that....
And I know I shouldn't think of him. He's a waste of a thought. Let him lie to some other stupid girl. He had the balls to call me and try to get with me 2 months after we first got together. 2 months of waiting for him to call and he called because he couldn't get his d*ck wet if he f*cked a watermelon. I've seen it done. That's another story though.
I know I should just let it go and piss on the memory because it means nothing anymore. I never meant a thing to him. And I know he was just saying that bullshit. I told him the truth about why I shaved my head. I was angry at him for using me and I felt like trash. I felt like trash and I thought I may as well look like trash. Maybe I should wait until my hair grows back to start dating. Maybe I'd have better luck. I just thought, HOPED, that if a guy really HONESTLY liked me for me, then my hair wouldn't make a difference. The last guy told me that it didn't matter what I looked like, but then I became #31. Yeah, sad is right. So no more of that. Until I am WITH a guy who won't head for the hills after he gets his thrills. I don't want to be just another number. I just want to be.... Well you'd better forget the rest of that sentence because I almost slid. That was almost a landslide. Sliding backwards to you get to where you started from. I know what I want, but none of that matters now. It's going to be different because I don't give a f*ck. I don't give a f*ck about dating because I only hurt myself. I hurt myself by buying the same act that every guy I get a date with pulls. They all seem to pull the same sh*t with me. Maybe it's the kind of guy I'm attracted to. I don't know why. I have to ask myself why I go out with losers. I really have to ask myself because I really don't know.
Where are all the real men?! That's right! They're already married or in a relationship
Or they are chasing chicks who don't appreciate them and they can't see girls like me
They can't see girls like me because I don't stick out
If I stuck out, I'd stick out like a sore thumb
Girls like me are rare
But I'm going to change
I have to change
Because being the 'nice' girl isn't working for me
Maybe I'll start being a b*tch and see if I actually get anywhere!
I can speak for myself that girls who are b*tches don't impress me whatsoever.
I don't go for the girls who are so into themselves at all. Could you imagine what would happen if I gal who puts THAT much into herself could do if she wanted to put THAT much energy into getting to know someone?
She'd be my kind of gal!
Ouch! That's a long walk. There are bike paths out to Kanata. If you have a bike it's a pretty nice ride until March Rd.
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