
Saturday, December 07, 2024

Still Waking Up

I got back into a "normal" sleep schedule, again. 
Where I'm waking up around the time I was going to sleep. 

Starting to feel a bit better, too. Forgot today is Saturday. 
Maybe I should go out on a day trip or something. 

Yesterday it was snowing, but warm -ish. 
It has to be the right temperature to snow.

Because if it's too cold, it won't snow.

Pretty sure I heard that if there are clouds, 
it feels warmer because the clouds make a barrier.
Something like that.

The sunny days, are actually colder.
Even though they should be warmer.

Been thinking about the potluck thing. 
I'd like to make something, 
but I don't have much money.

After my rent and bills are paid, well...
Let's just say that at least those get paid. 

What else do I need?
Other than food?

It often makes me wonder...
When I used to drink...
Like I should have more money than I did...


When you gotta try to make $50 last a week.

Besides that...

I know some of the ladies are going to make things...
Baking, cooking...

"Hey, ladies! Want some ramen?" LOL. 
"'Made' it myself!"

I don't know what to bring...
The other night, my mother made
scalloped potatoes. 
Very easy to make. 

Still requires ingredients.
But it's an option. 

It's either that, or...
I'll go to Bulk B@rn
and get that "no bake" cheesecake stuff. 

We had cake for dessert last night.
It was a Nanaimo bar cheesecake. 

The stuff I saw at Bulk B@rn, before, 
it's Ore0 cheesecake no bake stuff. 
Pretty much add milk and chill it.

It does its cheesecake thing while chillin'.
If I use the square pan thing I have, 
then I can just cut them up into squares. 

Last time, only two ladies brought salads.
Everyone else brought desserts lol. 

At the meeting someone said:
"I won't bring a dessert like last time, 
there were too many desserts."

Another lady said:
"How is that a problem?"
It's not. We all like them. 
The cookies, the cake, all of it.

Some keep trying to say
that they are trying to keep their weight down. 

I'd probably look and maybe even feel 'healthier'
With at least 10 pounds more.

I got down to my lowest.
Like a record for my lowest.

And people comment about my weight.

I once went on a vacation. I was gone for 2 weeks. 
In only 2 weeks, I gained 40 pounds.

Didn't think it was possible, but I guess it is.

I should pick up a few things. 
But also, I feel tired, again. 

I need to gain more weight.

I saw a chick who was looking like a skeleton. 
When I lay on my back, I can definitely see my ribs. 
Which probably isn't healthy. 

Last time I was weighed, it was 111.
If I see another 111, anywhere, I will want to scream. 

If you read the post I wrote about 217, 
how it follows me around,
so do other numbers like 111, 222, 333, 444, 555...
Not so much 666, but 777, and 888, and 999.

Once, I was delivering campaign "flyers" door to door.
"Canvasing" type of stuff...

Someone I knew was running for a community "role."
He had a bunch of flyers and I said I'd help. 

One house was 666. Besides having that number, 
the place had really weird vibes.

I don't come across 666 very often.
It's mostly the other triple numbers. 
And of course: 217.

It's that 111 means something specific. 
It's usually a sign that I'm going to be
crossing paths with someone
who I'd rather not be crossing paths with. 

And if I do, I don't have to be rude, 


Anyway, it's Saturday and I should wake up more, 
or get a couple of hours more sleep. 

Then, I'll go out somewhere, and do something. 

The building with the piano is probably open...

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