
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Time For Writing

When I was around 14 years old, we read in school.
My class got together and read The Outsiders. 
After that, I watched the movie.
And I got some other books:
Taming The Star Runner
That Was Then This Is Now
Rumble Fish

Maybe a couple other ones I can't think of.
Off the top of my head.

Anyway, S.E Hinton wrote The Outsiders
when she was 16 years old.

One of my stories I started when I was 15,
so I rewrote it because I lost the original first draft.
I'm writing it in Google Docs so it saves as I go.
And it won't go anywhere because it's saved to my account.

Originally, it was going to be one story.
I decided to write it in parts from different character's viewpoints
and tie it all together at the end, 
but so far, I'm just winging it.
(Like I do when I blog lol).

Last night I wrote around 12 pages and tonight I'm up to 20 pages.
This part I'm on is a challenge because it's from a POV
of a character who dies.

So everything leading up to how he died,
and him as a ghost. 
Like telling his side from the other side lol.

The original story has spin-offs of the main story.

Anyway, I decided that's how I'm writing it.

The majority of my 'pieces' I wrote on my own.
It was whatever came out. Like these posts.
But with my writing projects, I use suggestions
from ChatGPT lol.

I just kind of set the scene and I give context about the characters,
and the dialogue I came up with. 
Then ChatGPT gives me some suggestions.

Been having a lot of crashing issues with this computer tonight.
Pretty aggravating when you're working on something.
And Elementor won't load so I still gave to do some other stuff.

I read 13 Reasons Why. It was pretty good.
Not really a fan of how it ended, but still well written.
I heard there was a series on it, but I don't know for sure
and I haven't seen it if there is.

I don't watch a lot of tv. I watch some
when I go to my mom's place. 
She always has it on.

I watch mostly YouTube.
I don't have Netflix.
I had it for a bit and decided 
that I don't watch enough of anything to justify it.
Plus, there's plenty on YouTube for free.

Like the rock hounding videos
the chiropractor videos, 
antiques videos,

and I still watch tarot, but not as much.
I was pretty obsessed with it for a bit.

But I love YouTube for TUTORIALS.
That's how I learned how to code.
Coding is not the same as programming.
Do you see any tutorials on Netflix?
Betcha don't lol.

I can get lost in writing.
I remember one time I told my father's mother
that I wanted to be a writer.
I'm not sure verbatim what she said
but that was along the lines of
"sure you don't want to be something else?"

It wasn't long after that they told me not to call anymore.
My father's parents.
After my father died.

My Uncle still talked to me from time to time.
He was the one who gave me my father's guitar.
There was a long time I didn't play it.
Almost 10 years I guess.

I only know some stuff I made up and some simple stuff.
I don't know the chords and my hand is kind of messed up.

Here's what happened:

I was running to catch the train leaving from my mom's.
My boot got caught right in a dip of a threshold
of the entry way onto the platform 
from the tunnel.

Since I'd been running, my body still wanted to be in motion

When I landed on the platform,
I crushed my hand between my shoulder and the platform.
I kind of fractured my hand. My left hand.
Thankfully it wasn't my right hand.
Thankfully I even have hands.

That reminds me of a video I saw about Alaska.
One guy had stumps for hands, like lost ALL his fingers.

When I used to drink quite a bit, I met a guy who lost one finger.
I hadn't even noticed it until he told me what happened to it.

He'd gone with his brother. His brother wanted to ride bulls.
Real, actual bull riding.

When the guy got thrown off the bull, 
the bull came right down on his finger.

Pretty crazy way to lose a finger.

Pretty sure the guy's been dead a long time.
So it's okay to tell you what his name was.

He's the guy I had the chugging contest with.
Had no chance of beating him.
He drank his like he was drinking water.
Plus, he'd been drinking all his life.
He said his parents used to put booze in his baby bottle.
He was likely addicted by the time he was a year old.

Anyway, Rupert and his "Squaw" been together for years.
They came from BC and hitched all the way here.

They were both good to me and showed me where to go
to get food and protected me.

And introduced me to the people they knew
who'd crash down there, too.
We all had "street" names.
It was a thing. 
And it had to be given to you by someone else.

"Ma" gave me mine. 
She was like: "I know what I'll call you!"
And she told me: Roughcutt.

She said because I could "rough" it,
but I couldn't "cut" it.

They'd laugh at me for using the washroom at the hotel
instead of using the bucket.
Because f*ck that sideways with a surfboard.

Anyway, that place got "covered up" with cement.
So nobody could crash there anymore.
Too many people complained
about having to "see" us while driving to work etc.
Even though we never did anything to anyone driving under that bridge.
They just got too arrogant about people staying there.
AS THOUGH we would because we could have.

There was a camera covering that area.
And a guard would come at night to check on us.
It was a decent spot because there were heating vents.
We just laid our sleeping bags out on it.
Kept us from freezing.

Yes, there are some homeless people who freeze to death.
Thing is that they drink to feel warm
but it's a false warmth
because you fall asleep and you'll freeze.

Anyway, I don't know of any new spots 
because I don't go down there as much anymore.
My friends from that era are gone now.

Alcohol related deaths etc.

Anyway, this post wasn't going to be about any of that.
It started about Rupert and how he lost his finger bull riding.
And how "Ma" gave me my "street" name.
She gave it to me because when I chugged against Rupert,
I couldn't even stand up 
I could only turn my head and puke.
They laughed at me and hence the name was born.

So all that happened. 
It's nice to remember some funny moments from my past.

Just wish I could fix these computer issues.
Crashing when I'm working on stuff.
Probably a memory issue.

I got bamboozled with this one.
It's a refurbished one.
That probably had issues before
that weren't fixed properly
or it wouldn't have these issues.
Like the screen flashing sometimes etc.
Gets pretty annoying.

One of my friends I was talking with today
says: "you've got to do what you can with what you have."
Well, yeah. Hard to do anything with what I don't have.
What I wish I had?
Dreams, just dreams.

Never know... The story I'm working on, 
it's mostly for me to just do it.
If anything happens with it, cool.

Once I get the drafts done and connect them,
and tie everything together, I might let a friend read it.
He liked it so much that he narrated it.
The first draft of it.
The first draft of the main story.

I searched for writing groups in my city.
There is one, the other one closed down.
Around Covid or something.

I went to one and it was alright, years ago.
It was for critiques or whatever.
The "leader" was pretty vapid with her 'critiques'
so I stopped going to it.
I didn't even share much of mine.
Just the way she talked to other people
like everyone's beneath her. It's gross.

I had a teacher who took us to the art gallery
and when we got back to the school
we were to critique the art we saw.
Then he critiqued our critiques.
He actually did.

If I can get some more stuff done tonight,
that'd be awesome.
Been going to bed earlier, though.
Haven't been working on my sites as much.
One of them, I have to restart.

One of them, not sure what I'll do with it, yet.

The one for affiliate marketing is the one I've been working on.
I wrote 4 PDFs for subscribers to download for free.
So I've actually got pages done.

I have a page done for joining the affiliate program
for web hosting.
I'll probably have to retake the screenshots
because the company changed their dashboard.
It looks alright, but I can't find the support chat thing.

And my business site... I have to set that up, still.

That's one of the only things about Elementor 
that I don't like.
Sometimes it won't freaking load!
Then I have to waste time trying to figure out
why it won't load!

I used to hate WordPress.
There's a learning curve because it's a software.
A lot of things have learning curves.
But that's okay.

I also use it because coding it all myself
would take a long time.

Writing code line by line.
And if there's an error, it has to be inspected.
Sometimes it's a little thing
like not closing a line of code properly.

When you write CSS, you have to end a line of code
with a semi-colon.

I missed one and it was driving me crazy.
I couldn't figure it out so I went on a forum 
where you can ask coding questions 
so I copied and pasted my code into a post
and someone said: "You forgot a semi-colon"
And yes, I felt like an idiot, but I figured it out.

IF I DON'T lol

Remembering to remember... It's a thing.

There was something I heard:
"Getting ready to get ready to get ready."
It's like a stage of readiness.
Readiness in stages.

As an example, it starts with the thought.
The thought that I could quit drinking.
Then being ready to quit
Then actually quitting
And staying quit.

I was thinking the other day
that it's been around 14 years since I quit smoking cigarettes. 

I've saved so much money by quitting.
Besides that, I feel better and don't have much of a smoker's cough.
Not like my mom does.
I can tell it's her by the way she coughs.

Like when I was in the hospital, 
with my Grandmother,
I knew my mom was coming down the hall
because I heard her cough before she got to the room.

When you hear it all the time, you know exactly how it sounds.
Kind of like how a mother knows her baby's cries.

My folks got a puppy. Haven't seen her, yet.
The guy across from them has a dog
that attacked my brother's dog.

Anyway, kind of bothered that I called them like 6 f*cking times.


Anyway, I help people just to be ignored.
It f*cking bothers me.
They can at least acknowledge it.
By that, I'm not saying kiss my @ss.
I'm talking acknowledging that I did something

Like is that too much?
I'm not doing it to get anything ffs.
But it wouldn't hurt to acknowledge my effort.

I know my step father read the message.
Doesn't reply.
They probably just smoke so much weed
that they're always high.

Well that's their choice now that it's legal.
I only get some for a month, but it lasts me around 3 weeks.
When I'm out, I'm out and that's about it.

Tonight I watched a video about exploding pagers.
A mass page went out and over 1k pagers exploded.

They are saying it was Israel against Hezbollah.

I don't know enough of all of that to comment on it.

From what I heard Israel has been hit by strikes
since Oct. 8th. 300 days.

Someone made this comment:
What would America do if Canada fired rockets
into America every day for 300 days?

Well, for one, Canada doesn't have them.
Our country has allies we rely on.

It doesn't look good that our leader is supporting Ukraine
attacking Russia. 

That shouldn't be a war we should be involved in.
Canada's pretty close to Russia.
Across the Arctic ocean.

Russia is used to cold weather like Canada.
They'd attack us from the north.

People are thinking World War 3 is on the horizon. 
Could be. I'd probably be fooked.
A lot of city people would be fooked.
Look how crazy things were during Covid!
No toilet paper. Like it was gold or something...

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