
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

One Tick Away

It's been a decent day.
It's my stepfather's birthday so I went over for dinner.

I didn't know what to get him so I got him a lunch bag thing.
It's insulated on the inside and has a freeze pack thing
that you put it in the freezer and it has a place at the back
to keep contents cold. 

My mother got him a trailer for his bike. 
My brother wasn't there, but dropped off something. 
My brother got him an alarm for his bike. 

Probably won't have the money for father's day.
It's been a month. Plus, I got more fraud charges on my account.
According to the lady I spoke to, they didn't close my card out right. 
Not sure exactly what that means, 
but I think it means the ones taking charges off
got into my account via my old card somehow... IDK.

So I need to get a new card tomorrow. 
Not looking forward to even going there.
They've screwed me around before.

It'd just be nice not to have to deal with this BS.
It's noticeable when you barely have the money in there.
But once, they tried taking more out.
Didn't have enough to cover it
because they did it like 8 times in a row.

I'm probably going to get a prepaid card thing
just for anything online
because it'll keep them out of my account.
And just turn the visa part of my card off. 
So I can just use it as a debit card.

Going straight up cash, can't take what isn't there, right?
I did that a bunch and had a jar just to stick coins in etc. 
It comes in handy when the bulk is gone. 

And can collecting, should get out there more. 
Mostly just got enough to buy a few slices of melon or pizza.
Something like a light snack or just let it add up.

But I have plans fot this summer.
I wrote an "energy report" thing as a lead magnet.

It's just a report about cases where a generator or whatever
would come in handy. 
With my affiliate links in the report. 
That's how a lot of affiliate marketers do it. 

Can't hurt to do little tests here and there.
This blog is kind of a test. In a way.
Not sure what it it's a test for... 

Anyway, at my folks' place...
I was saying how I like the show called:
American Ninja Warriors.
Then... It came on next!

The parts when they finally complete the whole thing...
Two in particular:

1) The Deaf Ninja

He goes to schools doing motivaional talks with sign language.
AFTER 8 SEASONS... He made it all the way through.

It's a pretty emotional to just watch it.
I had to try to keep it in check.

Watching it with my mom, she doesn't get it.
The emotional aspect.

2) The Famingo Man

His younger brother got him into it.
His brother was so stoked for him....

When he got up the wall, before he pressed the buzzer
he asked if his brother could run up and join him
So they said yeah and his brother ran up, 
had his arm down to pull up his brother
and his brother got to push the buzzer.

That's solid of him as a big brother.
Emotional just recalling that.

Before dinner we were watching Price Is Right.
They made a good choice with Drew if I do say so myself. 
Just wouldn't have been the same with anyone else.

Heard Pat's retiring. Mom said Ryan Seacrest's taking over.
I'll have to see a few when he comes on. I've got faith he'll do alright.

Pretty sure Price Is Right's the longest running gameshow. At least I can think of... 

My grandma wasn't a Bob fan. She'd press "mute" to just watch the game.
It bugged her when they said "...A brand new car!" 
because what else would it be? Second hand? lol

"Pre-owned by Lou F." LOL
Then Lou F comes out and does a spiel about the mileage LOL.

I don't watch much tv anymore. When I go there, I do.
Was happy that was on tonight, been a while. 
We smoked a bit before dinner and after. 

So I'm good with just catching bits here and there.

The vintage episodes of Price Is Right is where it's at.
All the prices from years ago...

My stepfather was saying how minimum wage back then...
It was less than $2/hour.
Plus, there used to be a student wage. 

Now, even $20/h is barely cutting it.

I was making $20/h when I worked at the college.
It was an overnight shift. Those pay more. 
It's an overnight "premium" or something. 

That was over 10 years ago.
Back then, it was a decent wage.
Now, it isn't cutting mustard. 

It's like all the TAXES increased, but minimum wage?

Anyway, the point of the report I wrote is to 'present'
the links I included in the report. 

If anyone gets the offer from those links, then I get a commission. 

That's the plan, to get good at doing that sort of thing.
Then it won't matter what minimum wage is.

That's the dream. I've already put out into "the universe"
what it is that I want for the future. 
It's just up to me to work towards that.

That's why I'm about working on my sites etc.

The times I saw on Price Is Right tonight....
When they were spinning the wheel, the number they needed
was RIGHT THERE and ONE tick and it would have won...

And being ONE number away...

Anyway, it's one of the shows I like.

My folks don't live too far away, 
when they used to live near the hardware store, 
I'd walk from there to downtown. 
It's a nice walk. I like my night walks. 

After that time those dudes in the car...
I've been more vigilant, but also I'm not usually out that late.

One of my old circuits, I stay away from it at night.
The other circuit, I'm good with at night
because there are loads of houses near by.  

Once, I got myself in a jam,
didn't know where I was or how to get back.
It was on the Quebec side and I know enough French
to explain to a guy what happened and asked for help. 

He helped me, thankfully, drove me to the closest bus station
and gave me the fare to go from there.

His was the first house I came to. I told him that.
His wife was kind of apprehensive about me. 
I tried telling her it was okay. Just needed to get home.

But THAT is an example of why it's good
to at least know THAT much French.

And when you are TRYING to speak French
they appreciate it even if your French isn't perfect.

But they WILL take offense if you butcher it.
Because although it's easy to butcher it, it's rude.

Not just rude, but yeah... Offensive.

I wouldn't be offended about bad english.
English probably isn't the easiest for people
who weren't taught it as their primary language.

When I was first learning French, was kindergarten
and the first grade. That's a good age to start learning. 

There was a story I heard recently of an uncle's mom
that when she had a stroke she started speaking French
as though she'd spoken French all her life.

Sometimes I use it, but not often anymore.
But there are times when it's good to know.
Especially when people don't know that you know.
They will often say things right in front of you
if they think you don't understand.

Had a boss do that once. 
Should have told him I understood what he was saying.
He was offering to pay my replacement more than what I was being paid... 
That grinded my gears.

An example of how they'll do it right in front of you
if they don't think you understand. 

I might come back on here to right again tonight.
Just very tired tonight. Plus my eyes are sore.
My mom smokes a lot and it was kind of drying my eyes out. 

I used to smoke, too, but I'm glad I quit. 
I shouldn't have started again after I quit the first time.

So I haven't been smoking for 16 years, cigarettes.
Haven't drank for 10 years.
Can't say I miss being hungover, at all.
There were times I was so sick from drinking
that I was saying I wouldn't drink again if it'd just stop.

None of that anymore. Saves money, too.
None of the cringe embarrassing drunken moments.
None of any of that, anymore.
Over all, I feel much better.

Just freaking tired a lot more lately.
Do you get fatigue too?

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