
Tuesday, February 09, 2021


So one of the guys I've been watching
unbox the mystery boxes from the dark web....

He showed what is on the sd card.
In his video. Not all of it, though.

Some of it is coordinates.
And looking up the coordnates.... Are places
along a river called Saw Kill River in NY.
And the box mentions amputation.
So it refers to amputated body parts....

Then he opens up the READ ME file on the card....

Was looking up the hash codes and how to decrypt them.
A lot of places I looked said the hash codes are one-way.
They are not 'encrypted' per se....

I automatically thought: Hexidecimal.
I doubt a killer would make it that easy to get caught.

But the coordinates probably lead to bodies.

And here's the first set of coordinates:

The thing is, the guy just does the unboxing in the videos.
He doesn't say if he turns info over to the police
or what he does with the data on the cards....

There's no mention of the data after the videos.

I've seen other videos where he gets hard drives, 
but doesn't show what's on them....

It drives me crazy when there's a puzzle type of thing.

Been looking at some unhashing tools online. 
One says the string doesn't match the Sha256 bitmap. Idk.

What freaked me out was that I was running the paranormal software
while I slept and in one dream I had, there was a doll
and the word that came up was "doll."

Anyway, the unboxing videos are neat, 
but... If they are actual clues and evidence, 
nothing much is being said about it after the unboxing video.

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