
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Under 3 Minutes

Saw a video, yesterday. It was wild, not in a good way.
It started off about a crime and there's a backstory to it.
I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I watched the first one.
It was censored, so they didn't show anything.
In the comments, they were saying how some had watched the footage. 

A person was live streaming while driving drunk.
That person had her sister and another person in the back seat. 
That person flipped the car.
That person's sister flew out the window. 
Had traumatic/fatal injuries...
She live streamed her dead sister...
She only got sentenced to 6 years and served a few of those. 
Some were saying she did like 2 years.  

Out of morbid curiosity, I found the live-stream. 
There was no way she'd have been able to survive that.
Those injuries killed her. 
She was dead.

I don't drive, but not cool to drive drunk. 
To say the least.  

Once, a friend invited me and another guy to a concert
and the guy and my friend got into an intense argument
while my friend was driving and I was in the back seat. 

I had to break them up by telling them
that I didn't want to get into an accident because they were arguing. 
The anxiety through that was insane. 
Even after that, until we got back into the city, at least.

We were in another province. My health coverage
is for the province in which I reside.
It's not for all the provinces. 
Health care isn't federal, it's provincial. 

I don't know how it's handled if you have an emergency
in another province.
Thankfully, I haven't had to find out. 

I know that you can get health coverage through the blue cross
for if you take a trip to the U.S.

Anyway, it was related to distracted driving
because distracted driving can still cause accidents.

Someone in the comments was saying how they worked in the E.R
for 13 years and of all the DUI fatalities, 
it's never been the person who caused the accident who died. 

It's preventable. 

But just because you're not driving
doesn't mean you can't be in a wreck. 

Was lucky in the bus crash because there were no seatbelts. 
Was something about following a plow that had to turn around
and the bus sort of ended up almost in the ditch
with the front end damaged. 

The baggage compartment wouldn't open. 
Since my son and I were injured I wanted to get checked at the hospital. 
I hurt my back and my son hurt his shoulder from trying to break his fall. 
It hurt to even sit down for a while. 
Because the muscle was damaged, it tensed all the way up. 
The physio helped with that. 

It just can happen in an instant. 

What bothered me, as someone pointed out...
That the person in the video I watched yesterday
Only got 6 years.

While a truck driver had an accident
because there was something wrong with the truck
that he had been unaware of, wasn't drunk... 
Yes, people died... But he got something like 110 years.
Maybe it added up to that because of consecutive sentences...
I barely remember the case, 
but I remember how bad a position that guy was in... 
Due to no fault of his own, he got into an accident. 
He wasn't driving recklessly, he wasn't driving drunk. 
He was someone who drove for a living. 

One reason I decided not to drive
is that I couldn't live with myself if I caused an accident. 
It can only take one momentary lapse while driving.
Even a delayed reaction... 

It's not like GTA out there.
People have to obey the rules of the road.
That's why road rage exists.
Because some people can drive like/act like/be idiots. 

There's a show called "Worst Driver."
I often have a hard time just navigating a cart.
Never mind driving a vehicle. 

Anyway, seen some bodycam videos
of people who'd wrecked where people have died. 

There are 4 accidents that happened locally that I can remember

1) The female who was running to catch the bus and she fell
as she was trying to run down the hill to the bus stop
to catch the bus, but she somehow fell onto the road or something
because the bus hit her.

2) The time a bus hit a train and a bunch of people died, 
including the driver of the bus. It was a double-decker.

3) The time a double-decker accidentally hit the bus shelter. 
4) The car that broke down and pulled into the bus lane. 
Despite having the hazard lights on, a bus crashed into the car. 
The baby that was in the car died. I saw the car aftwards
because the car was towed to a junk yard near where someone I dated worked. 
The back half of that car was like... Not sure how to describe it. 
It was like pushed all the way into the front of the car.

Oh! And the other one that I could almost see from my window. 
I face the highway so I see a lot of traffic. 
That was the only serious accident I've seen on the highway, from here. 

That day, I saw police and fire trucks all there. 
There's an onramp to get onto the highway, going East.
(There are others going West too).

Anyway, it was a guy in a jeep. Someone cut him off
as he was on the on-ramp and his jeep flipped.
He was dead on contact.
I could see the scene from my window.
Far enough away that I couldn't see the guy, 
the damage to his vehicle... just saw the responders. 
That's how I even knew anything had happened. 
Usually, nothing of note, thankfully. 

Hard not to feel bad after seeing something like that. 
The live stream footage was under 3 minutes. 
That's how fast something could happen. 

It was all real. It speaks to the fragility of our existence. 

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