
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wanting to Start an NPO

Hi everyone, been a while because I've been busy with projects. I want to have a concert, trying to get the hosts of my choice to agree. I know it could work, but I need them to say yes and help me make the calls. It's hard when you have to do it alone. I need a spokesperson and then maybe I can get some people together for a board of directors because every NPO needs one by law. Been doing some research but you know how it can get with legal red-tape.

Been happy lately. I switched from my night shift to a day shift which is so much better. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have two places to be at once, or so it seems with time restraints. That is why I had to quit the night shift. I yelled at my boss but when I went to appologize, I let her put me down. I had no choice. Brown-nosers always get crapped on.

Last night was the first night in like 4 months that I could sleep through the night. The night before, I tried everything to get to sleep and nothing worked.

I have to check my emails.

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